Design development games music
photo-manipulation photography
publicity writing: messy play.

Sawubona! I'm Daniel Hastings[1].

I'm a computer geek and aspiring hacker[2], although I mostly make websites. These are my creations:

I also have a blog, here!.

AireCon G.A.M.E.

website (phoenix/elixir/elm) - link

The Glorious Airecon Management Engine website.

Now Fly


The 'Now Fly' clothing design. I used public domain images to create some weird flying contraption - included are some wings from St George fighting the dragon (but the wings are from his horse); and old lantern; what I presume is a sextant; another strange nautical-like device and an old engine.

Summer Soul XL

logo, publicity

The front of the Summer Soul 2010 flyer.



The munchkins logo. Whilst this was for some children's work thing, I actually came up with the name from the game 'Munchkins', by Steve Jackson Games.


logo, publicity, website (wordpress)

The conversations website.

The Debut

photography, photo-manipulation

The three Debut members standing in front of a car; Phil has pink hair, and the car's numberplate has been changed to say 'The Debut'. Andy and Emma are pretending they just squeezed Phil's bum.

Curios Gaming

logo, website, game artwork (Curious Tanks) - link

Curious Tanks artwork.

The Optimise Clinic

logo, publicity, website (rails)

The Optimise Clinic logo. You have no idea how many version I came up with before this one was agreed on.

The Belfrey

publicity, website (drupal)

The Belfrey website.